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Select your carpet material(s)
Select your carpet style(s)
Select your carpet type(s)
Do you have carpeted stairs?
Any smokers at home?
Rate the stains on your carpet?
Main cause of stains?
What type of cleaning method do you want?
Select your cleaning type?
When do you plan to start this project?
Are you auhorized to make property changes?
Is it ok if we take pictures or videos of your place during and after the project?

*Photos & videos are helpful for our technician and progress recognition. We also use them to attract more customers and train staff. For your privacy, we only take photos or videos with your consent.

Regular Steam Cleaning Price Today Special:
1- Hallway: ADDS-ON-Regular Steam Cleaning Price Today Special
2- STAIRS: ADDS-ON -Regular Steam Cleaning Price Today Special:
3- House With Pets: ADDS-ON- Regular Steam Cleaning- Price Today Special:

Thanks for booking with us! A representative will follow up with you. *Disclaimer-Booking Deposit- At Mago Flooring, we value our clients time more than anything. It is essential for our client to pay a deposit fee 50% that is fully refundable to book our services. You will pay the full amount after the work completion. We will send you a final quote based on the info you entered on the forms.

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